Connect with Paypal
Panda checkout supports you to accept payment through Stripe for credit card, debit card, also supports you to accept payment through Paypal.
In this article, we will show you how to set up your Paypal account in Panda checkout.
In order to use this integration, you will need a Premier or Business account with PayPal. If you have a Personal account, you can choose to upgrade it after logging in to your PayPal account.
Get your Paypal developer account
You need to apply for your Paypal developer account, and here is a quick “how to” from Paypal official website.
Connecting Paypal checkout
Once you have registrate your own developer account, now you can login from
*Note: You will need a PayPal Business account to use this integration. Go to your PayPal Profile under My settings and verify that your Account Type is Business , or upgrade your account.
Follow the quick and easy steps below to create your app to get your Client ID and Client Secret.
1. Navigate to and click the " Log in to Dashboard " button:
2. In the My Account section, make sure you have the following features enabled for REST API apps in the Live column:
3. In the " My Apps & Credentials " section make sure to click into " Live " mode:
4. Also in the My Apps & Credentials section, scroll down to REST API apps and click the Create App button:
4. Enter the App Name (Panda Checkout for example) and then click on the Create App button:
5. Copy the keys from the Client ID and Secret fields:
Connect with Panda checkout
In the screenshot above, you need to copy the clientID and Secret, and then go to dashboard of Panda checkout,
Go to integration, and then find Paypal in the integration list, and name your connection, and then paste the client ID and Secret in the settings.
Important notice:
You can create a sandbox and live app for your Paypal access. You are free to create both a sandbox and live account for easy testing and easy launching.
Always set up sandbox paypal testing account
Create sandbox personal & merchant paypal account
After we create an app from Paypal to connect with Panda checkout, now you can also create a sandbox Paypal account to purchase(personal account) or Paypal merchant account(merchant account).
Here is a sample to create a sandbox Paypal personal account.
After you create the sandbox Paypal account, you can go to here to login:
If you can’t login using the sandbox email and password, you can choose to change the password.
You should be able to login.
You should be able to login.
If you can’t login with the default email and password, change the password, try it again.
You can do the same to create a Paypal merchant account. The login is the same, just using a different email and password to login.
Here is how to do it: