Checkout initiate Hook Tutorial 

Last updated by matthewkiata 4 years ago
In this article, we will talk about how to generate dynamic checkout links using Panda checkout. If you have checked our tutorials on how to do it with Chatrace , or Manychat, that is an easy way to do so. 
You can send external requests, and map the response to the custom field , and then your Chatbot user can go to the link generated checkout. 
What we are going to cover today can also work. But it takes a little bit to set up. It will be a good chance for you to familiar with panda checkout platform, 
Let’s get started. 

Things to be ready 

We will use Panda checkout to complete the process, The benefits of Panda checkout is that we want to build a smooth and dynamic checkout experience for the Chatbot.  
In order to to so, we need: 
Connect your platform with Pandacheckout(Chatrace tutorials here , Manychat tutorials here ) 
Create flows and assign keys  of that flow to the Chatbot platform  
Once you finish this, that means Panda checkout now knows  which platform they are “talking to” , and all the set custom fields, add tags, send flow will be sent to the right platform. 
Still we need to know which specific user, that’s why you need to add {{user_id}} in the external request. More details later. 

Create flow & Assign Keys 

In this section, I will start from scratch and let’s first create a new flow name “Panda Check demo” as below: 
Image 1  
Create a “ Checkout Created ” hook, and then  assign keys  to one of the Chatbot platforms you are planning to use.  
Now, save the flow, and return back to the flow field, and let’s  copy the flow ID. 
Image 2  

Create dynamic checkout link in Chatrace 

If you don't know how to generate a checkout link from an external request, you can refer to the Chatrace tutorial  or Manychat tutorials. 
The benefits of Panda checkout is that we want to build a smooth and dynamic checkout experience for the Chatbot platform.  
That’s why we want to inform the chatbot user right inside of the chatbot, and let them know the purchase is confirmed or canceled. 
In order to do so, we need to change the external request a little bit, we need to let “Panda checkout”  know which chatbot user  is talking to her. 
We will need below parameters to add to the external request, 
This should be the name of the Chatbot platform you are using, for example  manychat or chatrace.  
platform_customer_id: {{user_id}}  
You need to use the userID variable in your chatbot platform. For Chatrace, it’s {{user_id}}, this might vary depending on the platform you are using. 
Here is the screenshot when it’s added(take chatrace platform for example): 
Image 3  
So when you finish above, and when you send the request to Panda checkout, our platform  knows which user and which platform is talking to “her”.  
But you might have multiple flows in your Panda checkout, we need to  specify which flow  you want Panda checkout to “talk back” to you. 
Now, here is one more parameter we need: 
This should be the flow ID in Panda checkout. That’s how we connect everything together. You need to make sure you are using the correct flow ID, otherwise your customer might not be able to receive purchase notification. 
And now Let’s set up the flowId in the external request: 
Image 4  

Set checkout link in Panda checkout 

By now we already include the  messenger user Id  and  messenger platform  and the  flow ID  in the external request. 
So when the checkout link generated, panda checkout already knows which user in which platform to send the information back.  
So, now we just need to set the “information” right inside of Panda checkout. 
So, we have 4 common actions we can set up for the chatbot user. 
Set custom field 
Add Tag 
Send user to flow 
Send content to user 
Now, let’s set up the process below to send the checkout link back to the user who initiated the checkout from chatbot. 
Below is using Chatrace to set it up. Manychat or any other chatbot platform should be the same logic. 
So, we need to first get the custom field name in the chatbot which are going to save the checkout link: 
I just created a user custom field, name is  checkout_link 
Image 5  
And also I have send up a flow which is send the user the checkout link, the flow is set up as below: 
Image 6  
It’s a simple flow, it will just send the message, but it will check if the checkout link has any value before redirecting the user to the checkout message block. 
Now, Let’s  copy this flow ID  now. 
Image 7  

Set custom field into Chatbot user 

Now, Let’s get back to Panda checkout, and now, We will  set up a custom field , and  set up a tag , and also  set up the flow  we want to send to the user. 
Image 8  
So you drag the checkout URL element from the “Order information” section, and then drag the Chatbot custom field action from the “integration” section. 
Connect these two elements , and paste the  exactly the same custom field name  from your chatbot, and then you are all set. 
Important Notice: 
paste the  exactly the same custom field name  from your chatbot 

Add tag to Chatbot user 

And next, we will add the tag when the checkout is created. 
Image 9  
Just drag the “ Chatbot Add Tag ” action into the canvas, and then add any number of tags you want. 
  Set up send content action 
In this section, we will show you how to send content right after the checkout link generated. We will show you the  system variable  that you can use, and how easy it is to set it up. 
Let’s first drag the “ Chatbot send content ” onto the canvas: 
Image 10  
Now, if you click into the “Chatbot send content” and edit, you will see the “ system variable ” at the top right corner. 
Image 11  
Here is a list of system variable we can use in the content:
And you can write content using the above variables. So an example will be like content below: 
“Here is your checkout link:
Let’s copy the above content and paste into the sent content to chatbot. 
Beside sending content directly to the user, you can also send user to the flow for more complex messages.  
Send flow to Chatbot user  
And then next we will set up the flow we want to send to the user, remember we already  copy the flow ID  from Chatbot (here is chatrace platform for example). 
Image 12  
Image 13  
Just paste the flow ID when you drag the “ Chatbot send flow ” into the canvas.  
Now, Let’s do a quick test. 
Here is a quick video to show you what the set up is. 

Checklist before test 

Up until now, we have set up the custom field, added the tag, and also set up send the chatbot user content and flows. 
Those are 4 important actions you want to connect or set up in your chatbot platform. 
Before we do any test, here is a final check list: 
Connect your platform with Pandacheckout(Chatrace tutorials here , Manychat tutorials here ) 
Connect a Stripe account  with Panda checkout. 
Create flows and assign keys  of that flow to the Manychat platform 
Create dynamic checkout links in your chatbot(Chatracet tutorials here ), make sure you include  platform, platform_customer_id, flow  in the body of the request.  
Set up Chatbot actions(set custom field, add tag, send flow, send content) in the exact flow ID when you create a dynamic checkout link. 
If all the points above are checked, then you can do a test, it should work. If it doesn’t work, then you just follow the checklist step by step. 

Set up abandon checkout follow up sequence 

It’s common practice to set up abandoned cart follow up sequences, and we can do the same using Panda checkout.  
The logic is simple, I will just briefly describe what the steps looks like,  
Generate the checkout link for the Chabot user, and store the checkout link in the custom field. 
In our other tutorials add the “customer” tag for the purchased customer. 
Add time delay(say 30 mins), if the chatbot user doesn't have the tag, then send your checkout reminder or discount incentive. 
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